专利名称:System for utilizing audible, visual and
textual data with alternative combinablemultimedia forms of presenting informationfor real-time interactive use by multipleusers in differnet remote environments
发明人:Arthur R. Crivella,Wayne Jacob West申请号:US10631077申请日:20030731
摘要:This invention relates to a system for utilizing audible, visual and textual datawith multimedia forms of presenting information for real-time interactive use by multipleusers in different remote environments. The system of the present invention is used forreceiving, accessing, processing, storing, retrieving, transmitting and utilizing audible,visual and textual data that provides real-time interactive knowledge management,preferably over the Internet, in support of activities conducted simultaneously bymultiple users in different remote locations utilizing alternative combinable multimediadigital data forms of presenting the information to simplify and maximize humanunderstanding. Concepts utilized in library science are implemented for uniformcategorization of the information used in providing the knowledge managementperformed by the system, while concepts utilized in the science of linguistics areimplemented for defining information acquisition, exchange and workflow to permitcategorization of the managed information using the library science concept. Themanaged information is stored in a database according to a unique schema which
implements this categorization according to the needs of the user. Computer technologyis combined with the science of media production for presentation of the managedinformation in various multimedia audible, visual and textual digital forms and formats, toenable its representation in ways that enhance human understanding, while computersoftware application programming is provided to make the system work over a computernetwork, preferably the Internet, to permit interactive, multidirectional, multimediadigital data communications originated from anywhere in the world and madeinstantaneously available anywhere in the world to or from any number of differentlocations simultaneously, if desired.