

2023-03-15 来源:吉趣旅游网


Early in the morning, I got up, wash a face to brush your teeth, have breakfast. Today is a very important day, what to do? It is to participate in volunteer activities. Mother call aunt, let she sent me to the, take me home. After I am ready to go. At rui is a person of extraordinary powers curtilage the community activities to participate in the site, I walked to the front desk and ask the staff: \"uncle, can you tell me what time to participate in volunteer activities?\" Uncle replied: \"you come early, volunteer activities 9 PM, you sit on a chair.\" I said thank you, and sat down on the chair and wait.

A few minutes passed, and volunteer activities began. Aunt sent us a hat and sleeves. Dressed, we go out to the steep ridge village of a place, the aunt stopped, said: \"you sweep here.\" Finish saying, everyone began to work again. I take pliers, with forceps put the rubbish into the garbage can. I am looking for a garbage. Just took a few steps, found that junk. I open the pliers, in the trash, on both sides together, put the rubbish, into the trash can. The earth waste a lot of cigarette butts, garbage bags, and so on. I put them with forceps clip into the garbage can. Hot, a little later, my whole body all flow sweat, very hot, but I still insist on. 1 hour later, we went back to the Swiss mansion, it is the end of the volunteer activities.

Today, I see, how much the sanitation workers cleaning is not easy. At the same time I understand the harvest should rely on our own efforts.





In life there are many memorable moments, I don't know have you found?

One nunu lovely mouth, a strange light in one's eyes, a man speaking carefree was born. A moment can aftertaste letting a person for a lifetime, that moment they might be able to like strong coffee fragrance make you refreshed...

It is an afternoon, my mother let me play with no meaning \"bean sprouts\don't like, and my mother had a big fight, angrily ran back to the room, even didn't eat dinner, in the evening, my mother brought the rice to get to my room and put his hand on my shoulder, I was still in a huff, mother on my shoulder hand away, out of the room. At night, sleeping, I suddenly felt a cool thing falls on my face, I open my one eye, oh, my gosh! Mother sits by my side, cry cry...

This may not be the most beautiful moment, but in my eyes is the most precious. I will put the moment treasure, let this moment full of golden light.







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