

2022-12-07 来源:吉趣旅游网



学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: ……………………………………密………………………封………………………………线……………………………………………… 听力部分(30分)

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)

( )1.A.lake B.cake C.late ( )2.A.lunch B.peach C.watch ( )3.A.sit B.see C.salad ( )4.A.night B.eight C.right ( )5.A.SUN B.THUR C.TUE


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的应答。(5分)

( )1.A.I have Science. B.We like Science. C.We have five. ( )2.A.See you. B.Thank you. C.Nice to see you. ( )3.A.I can see a hill. B.I can see a monkey. C.I can see six. ( )4.A.At five. B.It’s five o’clock. C.Five yuan. ( )5.A.Good idea. B.Thank you. C.How nice! 四、根据你所听到的问句,结合实际情况来写出正确的应答。(8分) 1.__________________________.2._________________________.





( )1.cap cake ( )2.Dad bag ( )3.tree see ( )4.ten he 二、看例子选出不同类的单词,并在横线上替换一个同类词。(10分)

例如:(D)T-shirt A.coat B.shirt C.dress D.panda 1.( )_________ A.Art B.PE C.timetable D.Science 2.( )_________ A.today B.Monday C.Friday D.Sunday 3.( )_________ A.tiger B.lion C.father D.panda 4.( )_________ A.school B.home C.draw D.farm 5.( )_________ A.draw B.run C.drink D.milk 三、根据中文或首字母提示,将单词补充完整。(8分) 1.What _________(学科)do you like?I like C___________.

2.What l_________do you have this morning? I have M________ and PE. 3.What day it it today?It’s T___________(周四) 4.S__________is the first(第一) day of the week.

5.I go to school at one o’clock.In the a______________. 6.Liu Tao can draw a tree and some f_______________ 四、选择(8分)

( )1.That __________a hill and those_________trees.

A.is;are B.are;is C.is;is

( )2.A:When do you have breakfast?B:I have breakfast _______seven. A.at B.in C.at

( )3.A:When______you go to school?B:At six o’clock. A.do B.are C.have ( )4.A:__________lessons do you have?B:Art and PE. A.How many B.What C.When ( )5.We can see __________pandas in the park.

We can’t see______tigers in the park.

A.some;some B.some;any C.any;some

( )6. Look at the beautiful trees. Can you draw ________?

A. they B. them C. it

( )7.下面哪个回答是不正确的

Let’s draw some pictures. --_________.


A. OK B. Great C. All right. D. Nice ( )8.Can you see the boat _______the river?

A.in B.on C.under D.to 五、根据所给情境将句子补充完整。(10分)

1.你想说你会画出一条小河和一片湖水,可以表达: I can draw a________ and a __________.

2.想告诉朋友你在晚上经常看电视,可以表达: I__________ ___________TV in the____________. 3.你何时回家?大约在五点钟

When do you go __________?At five o’clock. 4.慈祥的奶奶叫你起床了,不然上学要迟到了: __________ __________.It’s late.

5.在早上我喜欢打篮球,在晚上我喜欢踢足球: In the___________I like playing basketball. In the___________I like playing football.

六、将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(10分) A. Good idea. Let’s go. B. I can see a hill.

C. It’s Monday Let’s go to the park. D. What can you see over there? E. It’s difficult. But I can try.

F. Can you draw it?

A 七、连词成句,注意大小和标点符号。(10分)

1.Yang Ling,every day,swimming,has,lesson,a(.)

2.go,when,SuHai and Su Yang,do,every day,school,to(?)



5.here, football,play,school,I,after,can(.)



Liu Tao’s school life

Hello,This is my school.I go to school at seven.This is my classroom.Today I have __① Art and a PE lesson.I like Art.Look!This is our school playground.I can run and jump,sometimes I can make a salad after school.You can see ___② trees at my school.I love my school.

阅读短文,完成任务 1. 在文中_①处填上合适的词,一空一词。__________ 2. 在文中②处填上合适的词,一空一词。____________ 3. 判读正误,对的打T,错的打F。 ( )Liu Tao likes Art and PE. 4. 阅读下列句子,根据自己的实际情况来回答: ① What can you draw at the Art lesson?

____________________________________________ ② What can you see at your lovely school?


一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(听两遍) 1. lake 2.peach 3.see 4.night 5.Thursday


1.What subject do you like? I like Science.

2.What’s the time?It’s twelve.It’s time to go to bed. 3.What can you see over there?I can see a lake. 4.I usually play football at four. 5.It’s time to go to school. 6.In the evening.

7.It’s nine at night.It’s time to go to bed.

8.What lessons do you have on Tuesday morning?We have Maths. 三、根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的应答。(听两遍) 1.What subject do you like? 2.Goodbye.

3.What animal can you see? 4.When do you get up? 5.Let’s go to the park.


1.What subject do you like? 2.What day is it today?

3.What can you see in the classroom? 4.Can you draw a monkey?


