

2020-07-28 来源:吉趣旅游网
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Eco-commualism and Its Green TransformationHuan Qingzhi

Eco-communalism, or eco-anarchism, is an environmental social-political theory or

ecological culture theory based on eco-centric philosophical values and ethics. The key idea of eco-communalism is that human society should live in a manner of fully respecting and following the natural ecological world and its laws; accordingly reinterpreting and reconstructing an ecological relationship between human and nature and between society and nature is not only an appropriate starting point of coping with the current world ecological crisis, but also an important impetus for realizing the necessary green transformation in our times. However,the real challenge value of eco-communalism is by far greater than its real transformation dynamic or effect. In other words, to some extent eco-communalism represents the height of our times and the border of our rationality that we rethink and reconstruct the modern civilization from a natural and ecological perspective, though we can always make “effective” or “correct” criticism on any of its concrete ideas or plans in terms of the reality.

The Green State Theory from the Perspective of Ecological Culture Theory Liu Heqing

Since the 1990s, the green state theory has become an issue under discussion in western

academia. The green state theory mainly pays attention to the role that the state plays in environmental protection and explores the questions of “What is a green state?” and “How possible would it be a green state?”The concept of green state theory reflects the appeal for ecological ethics. The western scholars insist that the state’s green transformation be achieved in a gradual or radical way. Scholars such as Eckersley are trying to find a balance between the ideal and the reality. The previous green state theories are mainly based on the research of the western environmental governance experience, but in recent years with the more and more conspicuous issue of green state identity construction in developing countries, the green revolution in the framework of Chinese politics will enrich the study of green state theory.

On Social Ecology and Green Transformation from the Perspective of Ecological Culture Theory Li Liang

As the new development of natural ecology since the 20th century, social ecology applies ecological methods, principles and concepts to analysis and discussion on both social and ecological problems and thus has characteristics and perspectives of both natural science and social science. This

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paper introduces the history, theory and practice of social ecology with an attempt to explain in what way social ecology is a branch of ecological culture theory. Critiques and defenses of social ecology are reviewed, and the value of social ecology for green transformation is analyzed as well. An Interview with Prof. Yin Shaoting on the Local Development of Ecological Anthropology: A Review of the Slash and Burn Cultivation Research in the Past Thirty Years Yin Shaoting ;& Geng Yanhu

Ecological Anthropology is an important subdiscipline of anthropology. Ecological

anthropologists who are deeply rooted in the fields of China interpret the interactive relationship between ecology and culture from special perspectives. Prof. Yin Shaoting, a famous ecological anthropologist since the reform and opening-up in China, explained the slash and burn cultivation from the point of view of cultural adaptation based on a great number of investigations. He applied the method of cultural ecology system to his study, pointing out that the contemporary slash-and-burn agriculture is a livelihood mode for indigenous peoples to adapt to the ecological environment, revealing the cultural and ecological reasons why the slash-and-burn cultivation had ever prevailed and lasts till now, and summarizing its rich traditional knowledge and ecological wisdom. Prof. Yin Shaoting’s research is valuable not only for the heritage of agricultural civilization and ecological

civilization, but also for a better academic and social understanding of the slash-and-burn cultivation. Furthermore, his research provides helpful reference for government policy-making. An Interview with Prof. Yang Tingshuo on the Evolution of Traditional Miao Ecological Knowledge

Yang Tingshuo & Wang Jing

There have been a large number of outstanding scholars in the field of Chinese ecological anthropology since its rise in the early 1990s. Prof. Yang Tingshuo, one of the first scholars on ecological anthropology, began his research by examining the cultural differences between branches of the Miao Nationality. He made a lot of investigations of traditional Miao ecological knowledge and technology in Guizhou karst areas and unveiled the rich local ethnic ecological knowledge. Then he broadened his research horizon to the whole country, preparing for a comparative study of the cultural ecological systems in different regions of East, Middle and West China to build an

encyclopedia-like information database of cultural ecology. This interview focused on Prof. Yang’s early research on the traditional Miao ecological knowledge and technology in karst areas. In order to help us to better appreciate the discipline charm of ecological anthropology, Prof. Yang illustrated his investigation process vividly and talked about how to conduct ecological anthropology research in an interdisciplinary way.

Ecological Governance Practice in Germany and Its Significance to ChinaFang Shinan

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The main practice of ecological governance in Germany is as follows: promoting water environment governance with a holistic ecological concept, realizing water resource recycling by controlling pollution from headstreams, emphasizing the utilization of sludge as resource by turning waste useful, and enhancing the new energy utilization such as solar energy. The success of ecological governance in Germany lies in the application of the ideas and methods of “good governance”. The following are the essential characteristics of ecological “good governance” in Germany: the most powerful weapon of governance is ruling by law; the governance subject is the ;ecological governance community composed of government, enterprises and the public; the governance method is making full use of natural powers and facilitating prevention-oriented integrative headstream governance. The achievements that Germany has made in ecological

governance are of great methodological significance to China’s ecological civilization construction. The Practice of Green Finance in Developed Countries and Its Inspirations for China Li Zhiyuan & Xu Zhengsong

More and more commercial banks have adopted the equator principle to become the equator banks after the principle was put forward in 2002. With more than a decade of development, the green financial system in developed countries has been gradually perfected. Commercial banks in developed countries also regard green finance as an important approach to their own sustainable development and continue launching green financial innovation products. Although China’s green finance is advancing in depth, it still falls behind its counterparts in developed countries for its lack of sound policy system and good market environment and its insufficient efforts to make innovations. Learning from the developed countries’ experience of facilitating green finance, we need to enhance the construction of organizations, infrastructure and legal system for green finance and strengthen the efforts to develop green finance with favorable policy and powerful financial support. Towards an “Ecological Dialogue” of Civilization: Reflections on Environmental Sociology Guo Pengfei

Based on the idea of “ecological dialogue” that Michael Bell and Loka Ashwood put forward ;in their book An Invitation to Environmental Sociology, this article reviews and discusses the basic topics of environmental sociology. Environmental sociology whose research object is the “maximum possible group” takes sustainability, environmental justice, rights and beauty of nature as its core concerns. The research framework of environmental sociology consists of three levels, i.e., the material one which is like a multifunctional treadmill, the conceptual one which is a structural relationship between environmental consciousness and social inequality, and the practical one which is to facilitate and administrate the “ecological society”. These three aspects are closely related and interdependent. The views of environmental sociology are of great importance for China’s growing environmental sociology research as well as the current construction of ecological civilization and “Beautiful China”.

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Literature Review of and Reflections on Ecological Civilization Research in China: A Sociological PerspectiveJin Jian

China is stepping towards a new era of vigorously building ecological civilization which has ;become a social focus. Although some hypotheses have been put forward by the academia

with ;achievements in the field of ecological civilization, the research efforts still can not match the government’s strong advocacy. In order to enrich the academic research, we need to attach more importance to three aspects of the development of ecological civilization. Firstly, enhance the “consciousness of theory” and improve the theoretical framework. Secondly, accumulate “China experience” and value the folk wisdom. Thirdly, pay attention to the perspective from the basic level and deepen the study of anti-driving mechanism. The aim of doing so is to make more achievements in the practice of ecological civilization.

Eco-literature and Man’s Spiritual EcologyGe Guang

The Contemporary eco-literature has become a kind of literary activity state with very strong autonomy, social participation, regionality and cultural roots mining. Spiritual ecology is an extended or derivative domain of natural ecology, and the evolutionary process from natural ecology to social ecology and at last to spiritual ecology represents the organification process of human life. The interaction between eco-literature and spiritual ecology is based on the integrity and organism of human existence so that it reasonably shows the spiritual quality of literary experience. Eco-literature needs to display the organism of human activities, not only placing human activities and objects of art experience in multiple ecological relationships of human existence to explain and evaluate the ecological relationship between man and nature, but also ;trying to promote the organism of the operation of spiritual ecology in order to realize the ecological health of human survival. The Relationship between Man and Nature in The Red PonyWu Wenjing

Based on the relationship between man and nature, this paper analyzes John Steinbeck’s The Red Pony from the perspective of ecocriticism, interpreting the novella in two aspects, one of

which is returning to nature and learning from nature and the other pluralistic coexistence and growing together. This paper elaborates on the relationship between man and nature in the novella, revealing the ecological thinking contained in the text and the reference value for contemporary human beings to return to the harmonious relationship between man and nature.

