

2021-04-20 来源:吉趣旅游网


说起ap经济学,相信备战ap考试的考生都不会感到陌生。但是,什么是ap经济学呢?本文,三立小编将为各位同学带来以下内容,希望可以帮助大家进行ap经济的备考!话不多说,下面就和小编一起来具体了解一下吧! 什么是ap经济学? ap经济学

Economics is the social science concerned with howindividuals, institutions, and society make optimal (best) choices underconditions of scarcity.


An economy consists of the economicsystem of a country or other area, the labor, capital and land resources, andthe economic agents that socially participate in the production, exchange,distribution, and consumption of goods and services of that area.





(三)从事经济活动需要使用生产要素。生产要素主要包括劳动力、资本和土地等。 (四)从事经济活动需要进行一定的经济行为,如生产、交换、分配和消费等活动 2. Microeconomics 微观经济学

Microeconomics focuses on the individual parts of theeconomy such as a person, a household, a firm, or an industry.


3.Macroeconomics 宏观经济学

Macroeconomics observes economy as a whole or itsbasic subdivisions, such as government and business sectors.

Macroeconomics speaks of such economic measures as realoutput(real GDP) and economic growth, unemployment, the general level of prices,balanceof payment , fiscal policy and financial Policy.

宏观经济学的核心是整体经济活动,特别是政府的经济政策及其对国家经济的影响。宏观经济学的核心是就业、通货膨胀、经济增长,以及国家如何利用货币政策和财政政策来增加就业、减少通货膨胀和促进经济增长。 4.Scarce Resources 资源的稀缺性

Scarcity means that society has limited resources andcannot produce all the goods and provide all the services people wish to have.

Economics is the study of how society manages itsscarce resources.


资源的稀缺性是我们都理解的概念。人口增加和人们需求不断增加等因素导致人类现有资源永远无法满足社会上所有人的要求。合理利用现有资源,最大限度满足社会对资源的需求。学习经济学的目的就是要学会用合理手段解决资源的稀缺问题。 5.Opportunity Cost 机会成本

The opportunity cost of an item is what we give up toget that item. For example, opportunity costoccurs when a student decides to attend full-time college because he must giveup the possible jobs. In another example, if a family uses its $100000 savingsto purchase an automobile,the family cannot usethis sum of money to buy other goods, then opportunity cost occurs.

机会成本是为了得到某种东西而必须放弃的东西。例如:我们上大学占用了时间、精力、经费而不能用于其他地方。这些时间、精力和经费都是可以以成本形式计算出来,我们上大学的支出就不能用这些时间去找一份工作,就不能把学费的支出花在别的地方。 6.Absolute Advantage 绝对优势

Absolute advantage means the comparison amongproducers of a good according to their productivity.

绝对优势是指生产者按照生产效率比较生产优势。 7.ComparativeAdvantage 相对优势

The producer who has the smaller opportunity cost ofproducing a good is said to have comparative advantage


相对优势指在比较生产优势时,一个生产者以低于另一生产者的机会成本生产一种物品的情况,也就是说我们要考虑生产者生产一样物品而放弃生产另外一种物品,哪个生产者放弃生产的另外一种物品数量少,哪个生产者就具有相对优势。 8. Marginal thinking 考虑边际的思维

Marginal changes are small, incremental adjustments toan existing plan of action. When we learn economy, we must learn to think themargin. If we want to arrange our time for learning, whether we should spend hourlearning? If we produce one good, what is the marginal revenue and what is themarginal cost? 边际的概念是微观经济学的核心概念,在后面的章节中我们要大量使用边际的概念。边际变化主要指微小的变化量。比如生产商在决策是否多生产1个单位的产品,将会比较增加1个单位产品增加的收益(边际收益)和增加1个单位产品增加的成本(边际成本)。 9.Economic System andMarket Economy经济体制与市场经济

Economic systems in the world can generally be groupedas traditional economy, command economy, market economy and mixed economy.


Market is usually a good way to organize economicactivities because in a free market buyers and sellers can adjust their supplyand demand based on price and other factors. However, in some cases, market failureoccurs when the market fails to allocate resources efficiently, thengovernments can sometimes improve market outcomes.





AP师资团队全部是由顶尖名校毕业、且AP教学时长在3000个小时以上的教师亲授课程。 授课方式:一对一全程名师督导备考陪同,量身定制互动直播授课,点题讲题破题一步到位,反复实战演练,助力AP考生备考冲刺5分。

